
Classical and Project-Based Education

Application opens December 1st for the 2024-2025 lottery


who we are

Trivium is a free, public school that enrolls students from TK-12th grade with a focus on Classical and Project-based Learning.

what we do

Trivium Charter School is committed to developing a personalized learning path for each student which may include classroom teaching, home study, online education, community service, and community learning opportunities. Trivium follows a four-year rotation model regarding subjects including history, science, and electives. Math and English are dependent on grade level.

our vision

Each student’s personalized learning path will be customized for optimal academic rigor and pacing while honoring student interests and providing strong foundational skills to prepare the student for their chosen college and/or career path.


We strive to create an environment that fosters learning, creativity, and an accepting community for all. By integrating multiple learning options for each student, we have the ability to cater to each individuals needs. From textbooks, virtual programs, to interactive courses, we have something that is the right fit for you.

personalized learning

Our goal is to treat every student as an individual and cater to the specific needs of each family. Every learning plan is unique and no student or family will have an identical plan. From curriculum choices, pace, and skill level, we will find a program that guides your student where they want to go.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude for their invaluable support and collaboration. Their innovative ideas have helped fuel our success.


We are sincerely grateful for the consideration of our organization for these awards. The recognition is a tremendous honor, highlighting our team’s hard work and dedication.


Learn more about our personalized avenues for learning